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» tibeti művészet»»»»» ChoegyalTenzin»»»»» Videók» Linkek» TibetiHírek» Szerkesztőség
eredeti cikk
TOKYO: Tibetans and Tibet supporters in Tokyo gathered on 6 March at Shibuya Miyahsita Koen (Park) to commemorate the 57th Tibetan National Uprising Day, beginning from 1959. It was held on March 6 due to non-availability of march-route on the usually held date.
Organised jointly by Students for free Tibet (SFT) and Tibetan Community in Japan (TCJ), around 80 people – Tibetans & Japanese Tibet Supporters – took to the streets with colorful Tibetan national flag flying all around, brandishing the portrait of recently self-immolate two young Tibetans and shouting slogans for freedom in Tibet. As the march entered the intersection in front of Shibuya station, famously known as ‘The Scramble’ and referred as the world’s busiest, an appeal letter – detailing the present Tibet political situation & asking for world’s intervention – was loudly read out many times to educate the people on Tibet.
At the commemoration function held at Shibuya Miyashita park, Representative Lungtok spoke on the current political situation of Tibet and desperate need for international intervention for the survival of Tibetan identity. He called on the world leaders especially the Japanese government to amplify their voice for the future of Tibet.
Mr Makino Sensei, former parliamentarian & friend of Tibet also delivered speech in support of Tibet cause followed by Mr Tsering Dorjee, Director of SFT chapter Japan.