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» tibeti művészet»»»»» ChoegyalTenzin»»»»» Videók» Linkek» TibetiHírek» Szerkesztőség
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By Tenzin Monlam
DHARAMSHALA, May 12: The Chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Bundestag, Michael Brand, has been denied entry into China due to his criticisms over the human rights abuses and violations in Tibet.
Brand had planned to travel to Tibet with a delegation of the Bundestag, constitutional and legislative body at the federal level in Germany, later this month. However, China has agreed to let the rest of the delegates visit China.
Brand yesterday stated that he was put under ‘massive pressure’ and even ‘repeatedly attempted to blackmail’ by the Chinese Ambassador to delete comments and articles about Tibet from his website.
Calling the request from the ambassador ‘absurd’, he said, “Self-censorship is out of the question.”
He also added that travel ban and attempts of blackmail were signs of weakness shown by the Chinese authority. “The reported attempts to blackmail and intimidation are unacceptable and symptomatic of Beijing’s systematic attempts to silence criticism about its policies in Tibet," said Kai Müller, Germany Executive Director, International Campaign for Tibet. Müller stated that banning him indicates a ‘lack of sincerity of the Chinese government to engage in any genuine human rights dialogue.’
Criticizing the ambassador’s action as a ‘new low’, the lawmaker has urged Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany, to issue a ‘clear response to this unspeakable action of an accredited ambassador in Germany.’
"While we've always been denied, parliamentary committees for business and commerce have made trips to China with no problems," Brand said adding that his committee has tried for many years to travel to China to get a view of the human rights situation in Tibet. "When it comes to human rights, pussyfooting around doesn't pay off. Human rights are not an internal affair of the state of China," Brand said.
With the Chinese-German intergovernmental consultations scheduled for June 13, during which the human rights abuses in China is expected to be tabled, Brand urged Berlin to set an example.