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Germany: Human Rights Commisioner expresses concern about situation in Chinese province of Sichuan/ENG

2012. január 24./ICT/TibetPress

24.01.2012. In the region of Luhuo of the Chinese province of Sichuan,
which is inhabiet by Tibetans, there were clashes when Tibetans were
arrested while distributing leaflets. There deaths and injured
persons. The state-run news agency Xinhua has confirmed the incident.
Referring to this, the Federal Human Rights Commissioner of the German
government stated the following today (24 January 24, 2012) in Berlin

"I am very concerned about reports about Tibetans being killed and
injured yet again during demonstrations. Peaceful demonstrations are
guaranteed by the right of freedom of speech. They should also stay

I demand from the Chinese government to respect this right. I also
plea that the injured persons may receive medical care, without having
to fear to be arrested.

Measures against the Tibetan population, which violate internationally
recognized human rights, must be put to an end.

I call on the Chinese government to act in a deescalative manner in
view of the tense situation in this region and to respect culture and
religion of the Tibetans. The self-immolations of the past months
demonstrate in a tragic way the desperation of some Tibetans about
their situation."


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