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Kalon Tripa’s Losar Statement

2012. február 20./CTA/TibetPress

Kalon Tripa’s Losar Statement

Tashi Delek to Tibetans and friends around the world! Warm Losar
greetings from Dharamsala, which falls on February 22.

As requested, please do not celebrate Losar this year, but do
observe traditional and spiritual rituals by going to the
monastery, making offerings, and lighting butter lamps for all
those Tibetans inside Tibet who have sacrificed and suffered under
the repressive policies of the Chinese government.

News from Tibet continues to be grim. Tibet is virtually sealed off
with foreigners not allowed to enter. Even Chinese tourists are
prevented from visiting Tibet, and the military buildup is very
heavy. [The Chinese government has launched a massive crackdown on
Tibetans who visited India for the Kalachakra Teachings. Several
hundred Tibetans have been detained and are being forced to undergo
political re-education [please see the news release from Human
Rights Watch] . We are extremely worried over what is happening and
what might happen inside Tibet. Under such circumstances, please do
pray for all Tibetans inside Tibet especially on the third, eight,
tenth and fifteenth day of Losar, as these are auspicious days.

March 10, our National Uprising Day, is coming up soon. There will
be many other activities as well where Tibetans and our friends
will be requested to participate. Please remember and observe the
guidelines issued by CTA, which is to organize and participate in
events peacefully, legally and with dignity. Peacefully because non-
violence is our core principle. Legally as we are in a democratic
country and have to follow the law of the land, and with dignity
because we are seeking our freedom and dignity

Tibet Lobby Day is also coming up when Tibetans and friends lobby
parliaments or the congress and share with members our concern over
Tibet and the continuing repressive policies of the Chinese
government. This year is especially important given the unfolding
tragedy inside Tibet. It is important that we do the best we can to
approach as many Congressional members and Parliamentarians as
possible so as to make them aware. If possible, please try to have
a resolution passed in the parliament or have a good debate on the
situation inside Tibet. This way the suffering of Tibetans inside
Tibet and their voices will be heard loud and clear around the
world, particularly by the leaders in Beijing.

I would like to thank all those Tibetans and friends who
participated in the global vigil on February 8. According to
various accounts, hundreds of activities were organized around the
world, thousands participated, and the day was very successful.

In conclusion, I want to say to our dear brothers and sisters
inside Tibet that you are in our hearts and prayers every day.


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