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» tibeti művészet»»»»» ChoegyalTenzin»»»»» Videók» Linkek» TibetiHírek» Szerkesztőség
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By Tenzin Monlam
DHARAMSHALA, January 18: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Sunday congratulated Taiwan’s president elect Tsai Ing-wen, who won the historic elections on Saturday making her the first female president of the island nation.
In a letter to Tsai, 59, the Tibetan leader sent congratulatory message on her remarkable victory’ in the presidential elections. “It is indeed encouraging to see how firmly rooted democracy has become in Taiwan. It is a model and source of inspiration to those who aspire for freedom and accountable leadership. As someone dedicated to promoting democracy, I salute what the people of Taiwan have accomplished,” the Tibetan leader wrote.
The 80-year old Tibetan leader also added that during his last visit to Taiwan, including the 2009 visit when he met the new president-elect, he was able to see for himself the progress the people of Taiwan have made in the fields of economics and education.
He also noted that business and trade are areas in which successful links have been established with Mainland China. “It is important that such links should grow and be extended to include increased people to people exchanges.”
He concluded by wishing her every success in meeting the many challenges ahead.
The Cambridge graduate, in her speech after the landslide victory, promised to preserve the status quo in relations with China. She also said that Beijing must respect Taiwan's democracy and both sides must ensure there are no provocations. “Any forms of suppression will harm the stability of cross-strait relations."
However, the news of her victory did not go down well with China, who has warned the Taiwanese people and told them to abandon its ‘hallucinations’ about pushing for independence, as any moves towards it would be a ‘poison’.
Tsai-led Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) wants independence from China, contrary to what the pro-China and the out-going government was trying to achieve with ‘unification goal’.
China has reportedly blocked Tsai's account on Sina Weibo, dubbed as China's Twitter, immediately as results started coming out. Searches for Tsai Ing -wen in Weibo, China's biggest search engine, have also been blocked.