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» tibeti művészet»»»»» ChoegyalTenzin»»»»» Videók» Linkek» TibetiHírek» Szerkesztőség
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By Tenzin Monlam
DHARAMSHALA, May 11: A delegation of a Burmese ethnic minority called Kachin is currently in Dharamshala to understand the Tibetan culture, the exile government and the life of the exile Tibetans.
The delegation yesterday had an informal interactive session with reporters. They stated that the common thing between Tibetans and Kachin people are that both are victims of persecution.
Organized by the International Tibet Network (ITN), the Kachin delegates shared their experience of struggle against the Burmese government.
Kachin, one of the members said, is an ethnic minority in Burma with its own dialect and has been struggling to preserve their language due to lack of cooperation from the central government.
Sarah, a human rights lawyer and part of the delegation, said, “Like many from my generation and generations after me have learnt Kachin Language (Jingpho) from our churches since it was not allowed in the schools.”
She feels that the present government under the new leader Aung San Suu Kyi has so far done very little to improve the present condition of the ethnic groups.
Moreover, the endless conflicts between Kachin independence army and the Burmese army have led to thousands of innocent people being displaced.
Khon Ja, who is part of the delegation, said the changes would come only if there are amendments and changes in the 2008 constitution.
“Until, the 2008 constitution is not amended, there will be no development relation between the ethnic groups and the Burmese government,” she said adding that the existing constitution allocates 25 percent of parliamentary seats to the military and requires 75 percent of parliament to vote to approve constitutional changes, giving the military an effective veto.
They also expressed their concerns over the increased human rights violation cases in the Christian-majority region, land grab cases and mining issues, which she likened to what is happening in Tibet under China.
The delegates today met with the Prime Minister (Sikyong) Dr. Lobsang Sangay.
According to Kachin history, the early ancestors came from Tibet, and settled in the mountainous regions of Burma and evidently Kachin shares its borders with Tibet at Kham province, now Yunnan and the similarities also extents to the topography of the place.