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Dharamsala, HP, India, 21 April 2016 – His Holiness the Dalai Lama has conveyed his greetings to Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her 90th birthday, which occurs on 23rd April.
In his letter His Holiness wrote:
“Her Majesty is someone I have admired since I was a small boy in Tibet. I remember reading about her and seeing newsreels of various members of the royal family visiting and comforting people in war torn London. I understand that befitting celebrations of her status as Britain’s longest serving monarch are taking place while many tributes are being paid to her from across the world. I would like to add my own congratulations and wish Her Majesty a happy birthday.”
Describing Queen Elizabeth as “a steadfast source of inspiration to many, a model of strength and dedication”, His Holiness concluded:
“On this auspicious occasion I offer my prayers for the happiness, prosperity and long life of Her Majesty and the peoples of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.”