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By Tenzin Monlam
DHARAMSHALA, April 22: The Latvian government has said that the Tibetan leader Dalai Lama’s upcoming visit to Latvia is a privately organized program, apparently to avoid angering China, its 21st largest trade partner in exports and 9th largest trading partner in imports.
“This visit is not being organized by the Latvian government. This is an absolutely private event, and that is how it should be perceived,” said Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics.
He also said that Latvia is a democratic and open country, which has no basis to forbid the Dalai Lama to visit the country. However, Latvia strongly supports China's territorial integrity and wishes to have a good dialogue with China.
According to the Tibetan leader’s schedule, he will be visiting the country for a two-day teaching on Dharmakirti's Pramanavarttika (tsema namdrel) at the request of Save Tibet (Riga), Foundation Save Tibet (Moscow) and Tibetan Culture and Information Centre (Moscow).
The teaching is scheduled to take place in Riga on October 10 and 11 for the devotees in the Baltic countries and Russia.
The 1989 Nobel Peace laureate has visited the country a few times in the past including his visit during his Europe tour in May 2014 and September 2013. During the latter, he met with the Latvian Parliamentarians and highlighted the importance of Tibet’s environment, Tibetan Buddhist culture, human rights and religious freedom.