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By Tenzin Monlam
DHARMASHALA, March 31: A US-based advocacy group for Tibet issues, International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) has urged the US president Barack Obama to raise nuclear security in Tibetan plateau with his Chinese counterpart President Xi Jinping at the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit.
The presidents of the two nations will be meeting today on the sidelines of the summit to discuss the deteriorating situation in South China Sea. ICT sees this as an opportunity to ‘reiterate concerns about the deteriorating situation in Tibet and to highlight the uncertainties over Tibet’s nuclear security due to China’s policies.’
“It is a critical moment to send China’s leadership a strong signal on the importance of human rights across the PRC and a peaceful resolution to the Tibet issue. It has never been more important for him to raise this concern directly with President Xi,” said Matteo Mecacci, President, ICT.
Tibet’s nuclear security remains uncertain with many unaccounted nuclear wastes, he added. The US must raise concerns on the impact of nuclear wastes on the plateau, including the hazardous wastes dump and impact of uranium mining, which are covered up by the Chinese authorities. “The meetings this week focusing on nuclear security should provoke serious questions to the Chinese leadership about China’s land use policies in Tibet, the Roof of the World, particularly given its global environmental significance,” Matteo added.
Bhuchung Tsering, ICT Vice President, in front of the capitol building yesterday said, “Unless and until China respects Human rights, religious freedom and political rights of all the citizens including Tibetans there is no way the US can have normal relationship with China.”
He also called President Obama to address these issues and let the Chinese government know unless they respect Tibetan people’ rights they will not have equal treatment as the other nations.
The Students for Free Tibet will be staging a protest against Xi during the summit. “As world leaders come together to discuss global security measures, we need to remind them that Xi Jinping is a global security hazard,” said Pema Yoko in a video message asking supporters to join the protest.