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Az ENSZ úgy találta hogy a kínzás "mélyen gyökerezik" a kínai igazságszolgáltatási rendszerben

2015. december 11./Phayul.com/TibetPress

Jelenleg csak angolul olvasható. Magyarul később.

eredeti cikk

By Tenzin Monlam

DHARAMSHALA, December 11: The United Nations on Thursday said practice of torture and ill-treatment is ‘still deeply entrenched in the criminal justice system of China, and asked it to abolish inhuman treatment of detainees and close down its black jails.’

The UN Committee Against Torture expressed concern about deaths in custody, such as the case of the prominent and highly respected Tibetan lama Tenzin Delek Rinpoche who was held on trumped-up charges and died at a high-security remote prison in July this year. From a list of 26 Tibetans indicated for reply in a “List of Issues” by the Committee, 24 cases remain unanswered.

The Tibet Advocacy Group, a coalition of 180 different groups, expressed its satisfaction for the mention of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's case in the conclusion of the report by CAT. “However, the fact that China gave the Committee false information about Tenzin Delek's case during the Review remains unacceptable, and a danger to the very foundations of the Review process. It is vital that the Committee continues to seek urgent answers from China about the veracity of the facts of the case, and press for a further investigation into Rinpoche’s case,” said Mandie McKeown of the International Tibet Network.

The International Campaign for Tibet, which was part of the advocacy group, said the report indicates the Committee’s profound concern about abuses in the PRC, and its commitment to hold the Chinese authorities to account for the suffering endured by those who bore witness to the Committee.

“Despite the multitude of credible reports on cases of torture of Tibetans and even despite the open misconduct of the authorities in such cases as of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, the Chinese government flatly denies that the problem even exists. This is utterly unacceptable. China’s actions indicate a very deliberate flouting of any respect for rule of law and due process that has arguably worsened since it last faced a review by the Convention Against Torture in 2008,” said Kai Mueller, Executive Director of ICT Germany.

The Committee urged that all instances of death in custody, allegations of torture and ill-treatment and refusal to provide medical treatment are promptly and impartially investigated by an independent body other than the procuratorial authorities, and that those found responsible for deaths in custody that result from torture, ill-treatment or denial of medical treatment are brought to justice and, on conviction, adequately punished.

The UN rights watch dog also said the recent ammendment to the Chinese law allowing secret detentions for up to six months in cases allegedly involving ‘terrorism’ or ‘state secrets’ are a matter of ‘grave concern’, because they put detainees at a higher risk.”

The American and German Embassies have also expressed concern over the degrading human rights situation in China. US Ambassador, Max Baucus, said in a statement posted on the embassy’s website, “We remain concerned over the crackdown on rights lawyers. In some cases, these Chinese citizens have been detained in secret locations without access to their families or their lawyers. This is deeply troubling and calls into question China’s commitment to the rule of law.”


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