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By Tenzin Dharpo
DHARAMSHALA, September 15: Beginning his 9-day visit to the United Kingdom, His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Monday told reporters in Oxford that it is “wonderful” that nations in the European Union such as Germany and Austria are taking the onus to rehabilitate hoards of migrants coming from various Middle East countries.
The Tibetan leader said national interests should come second to the interests of humanity in relation to the global refugee crisis, he lauded the response of Germany and Austria to the influx of refugees.
However, the Tibetan leader said taking refugees is not the ultimate solution. He said, “So taking care of several thousand refugees [is] wonderful, but [in the] mean time you have to think about long-term solutions, how to bring genuine peace and genuine development, mainly through education, for these Muslim countries”.
The 80 year old Tibetan leader reiterated his long maintained approach to deal with any crisis in a nonviolent way. He told reporters that “the way to reduce [that] is not using force. In certain cases maybe but generally using force never solves these problems”.
Recounting the 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States and its continuing repercussions in the geo-politics in the Middle east as a suitable example, the Dalai lama said, “September 11 happened. On Sep 12, I wrote a letter to President Bush. While I expressed my condolence and sadness, I expressed the way to approach this problem, I hope is more non violent. Even though I know his (Bush) motivation was good, the method was force so it created a lot of unexpected consequences”.
The Dalai Lama himself is a refugee along with several hundred thousand Tibetans fragmented in India, Nepal and Bhutan in Asia, America and Canada in North America and in various pockets of Europe.
The EU is yet to reach a consensus on the issue while the migrant issue continues to capture global attention with the issue highlighted through cases like the drowned body of 3 year old Syrian toddler Aylan on the Turkish beach or the Hungarian female journalist Petra László intentionally felling Mr Al-Ghadab and his young son Zaid while they were running to cross into Hungarian lines.