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» tibeti művészet»»»»» ChoegyalTenzin»»»»» Videók» Linkek» TibetiHírek» Szerkesztőség
eredeti cikk
By Tenzin Monlam
DHARAMSHALA, April 30: According to a survey of a professional association of foreign journalists in Beijing, more than three-quarters of the reporters belong ing to foreign media outlets were denied entry into the so-called Tibetan Autonomous Region.
Despite China claiming to have opened the troubled region for foreign journalists, the Foreign Correspondents Club of China’s (FCCC) survey shows that it is only some limited access to the TAR in 2015 or otherwise the region remains effectively closed to outside media coverage.
“These restrictions prevent the world from learning the real story of Tibet, and prevent China from telling its story. They also fuel suspicion about government treatment of Tibetans in the TAR, and prevent journalists from confirming that investment and poverty alleviation efforts have improved the lives of people there, as China claims,” the organization said in its survey report.
The survey also highlighted that Beijing allows foreign journalists into the region only during government-approved trips. Moreover, they employ an opaque process for selection. Of those who applied to the trips, 30 (79%) said that the process was not straightforward and that details about costs and the itinerary were insufficient.
While on the trip, the reporters also complained of restricted ‘freedom of movement’ and sources’ fear of speaking freely, which hinders accurate and comprehensive reporting on Tibet.
“Without independent access to Tibet it is not possible to speak to people living there, gather their first-hand testimony, and document conditions for ourselves. This prevents us from being able to report accurately about Tibet, and means the region is effectively closed to independent, impartial journalism,” the report quoted a journalist who visited Tibet during a government approved trip.
It also stated that many reporters are not applying ‘because they believe they won’t get permission or will be subjected to unacceptable reporting restrictions.’ While over 40 percent did not apply because they believe that ‘the restrictions imposed by authorities would make substantive reporting impossible.’
The association comprises of more than 160 correspondents from 33 countries and regions and the survey was based on 142 responses from foreign journalists based in China, including 35 from non-FCCC members.