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By Tenzin Dharpo
DHARAMSHALA, March 4: The town of Amherst in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, US on Feb. 29 declared that the town will observe the Tibetan Uprising Day which falls on March 10 as Tibet day.
The town’s board earlier voted and agreed to commemorate the day Tibetans regard and observe as the national ‘Uprising day’. The day is commemorated annually since the 1959 uprising in Lhasa and to condemn the Chinese rule of Tibet and Tibetans. This year is the 57th anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising day.
The proclamation denounces “the occupation and ongoing suppression of human rights and freedom in Tibet and the degradation of Tibetan culture and identity should continue to be a concern for all freedom-loving people everywhere.”
It further states that, “the Select Board of the Town of Amherst in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, recognize the local Tibetan community’s plea for justice on this 57th Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day and continue to proclaim each March 10, as TIBET DAY, and further by hoisting the Tibetan National flag from March 10 to March 17, 2016, help cultivate awareness for all citizens of Amherst.”
Students for a Free Tibet at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst will hold a vigil to highlight the deteriorating situation inside Tibet in the afternoon of March 10.