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HONG KONG, 14 March (AP) - Exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama said in an interview published
Monday he wants the region to remain part of China so it can benefit from that country's economic
"I am not in favor of separation. Tibet is a part of the People's Republic of China ... Tibetan
culture and Buddhism are part of Chinese culture,'' he told the South China Morning Post.
"Tibet is underdeveloped and materially backwards. We want modernization. So for our own interest,
we are willing to be part of the People's Republic of China, to have it govern and guarantee to
preserve our Tibetan culture, spirituality and our environment,'' the Dalai Lama was quoted as
"As the material development of China moves forward, we gain materially,'' the newspaper quoted
him as saying.
The newspaper quoted an unnamed official with the Dharmsala, India-based exiled Tibetan leadership
as saying the Dalai Lama now wants Tibetan autonomy on religious and cultural policy, but not
political, economic or diplomatic matters.
Chinese communist troops marched into Tibet in 1950.
Beijing says it has been Chinese territory for centuries and has spent decades trying to suppress
pro-independence sentiment.
The Dalai Lama fled to India in the late 1950s.